Mass Removal Surgery Update
You were all so kind on my last post about my boy’s surgery, I figured I would follow up and tell you guys that the vet called today and THE MASS WAS BENIGN!!!! This good boy does not have cancer, and he is healing up very nicely from surgery. Thank you again for all of your well wishes, it has been a rough couple of weeks and now we can put this horrifying mess behind us. 😇💙 Last post:
You were all so kind on my last post about my boy’s surgery, I figured I would follow up and tell you guys that the vet called today and THE MASS WAS BENIGN!!!! This good boy does not have cancer, and he is healing up very nicely from surgery. Thank you again for all of your well wishes, it has been a rough couple of weeks and now we can put this horrifying mess behind us. 😇💙 Last post: